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Video Production

Captivating Medical Videos for Doctors

Attract more patients online with captivating video content that connects your followers to your services and converts them into paying customers.


Patients Choose Doctors that Share Videos of their Services & Results

Patients are moving away from traditional channels and over to digital platforms that are visually appealing and constantly updated like Instagram and YouTube. As our digital-driven world continues to thrive, so is the demand for more video content from brands. 85% of patients prefer to make purchases from doctors that create and share videos of their work online.

Content CreatION

Create social media content that captivates your followers, connects them to your services and converts them into new and returning patients at your practice. 

Content Marketing for Doctors.

We'll help your practice captivate, connect & convert your followers into patients with custom content strategically created and shared online.  Get custom branded images, graphics and engaging videos of your services.


  • Content marketing gets three times more leads than paid search advertising. ​

  • 58% of patients prefer visual content, with their main preference being medical video content.

  • 85% of patients prefer to make purchases with practices that share videos of their work on social media.


Attract more patients on social media with content marketing.

Content marketing on social media is in high demand and is perfectly suited for the online marketing generation.

Here are 3 benefits of using healthcare content marketing to grow your practice on social media:

  • Increase patient consultations

  • Increase marketing cost savings

  • Increase patient loyalty at your practice

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AESTHETIC Practice Consultation

The Cosmetic Lane is dedicated to answering questions from RNs and MDs and practice owners about their business. We also answer questions about business development, holiday marketing, and how to foster a community.

Some of the tasks completed by this individual are a business start-up, marketing strategy development, brand marketing, writing and editing copy, client development, and deal closing.

In a business such as an aesthetic practitioner, lead generation can make or break a company. Having an industry leader from our team show you how to successfully acquire this key piece of information is very important.

Get familiar with our referral program that would benefit your practice as we have a large database of influencers ready to help.

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